Potassium WARs --> atomic number 19 used 19 atomic, biophysics hikjackers for the periodic atomic table ordered attack upon the World Trade Center
Let's look at atomic number 19 and its Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflicts ..... atomic social engineering message EVENTS that occur on the geography surface of EARTH.
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hijackers flew the plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at .... The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people, including
the 19
hijackers ...
Potassium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Facts About ...
Periodic Table of the Elements. Potassium. Potassium Atomic Number: 19. Potassium Symbol: K. Potassium Atomic Weight: 39.0983. Discovery: Sir Humphrey ...
9/11 Attacks — History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four U.S. airliners and carried out ... 2001,
19 militants
associated with the
Islamic (subset symbols --> amic implies atomic agents)
extremist group
al-Qaeda (al-Q --> Q-variables of Paul Dirac of TALLAHASSEE) --> al-Q---> algebra and alphabet Q-variables and the TALLAHASEE bersus TALL Towers
hijacked four
Let's look at year 1966 ...... that helps us understand the signaling tragedy of Sep 11, 2001.
The Year 1966 Potassium Continuum MURDER Message Involving B100D, Bio-Gravity , and Chicago Geo-Physics.
Let's look at year 1966 --> number 66 implies gravity field interaction with human atomic mass and thought. In year 1966, Chicago, we have a trgaic EVENT that probides some CLUES about the architecture of existence and human daily activities within that Sartre existential ...earthly space /time.
The Start Of Route 66 - Chicago Forum - TripAdvisor
The Start Of Gravity Higway Route 66 - Chicago
The EVENT....
Richard Franklin Speck[1] (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an Americanmass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.
The database .... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early Life
Monmouth, 1941–1950
Dallas, 1951–1966
Monmouth, March–April 1966
gravity signal 66 --> gravity number 66
On April 19, 1966, Speck returned to stay at his sister Martha's second-floor apartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
In addition...we have the database ....
drove Speck to the National Maritime Union (NMU) hiring hall at 2335 E. 100th St. in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood
Union (NMU)
Union (NMU)
Union ... gravity equation parameters (Nm ) ... their SYMBOL union / James Burke connection to the Universal gravitational constant
Chicago, April–June 1966
Potassium atom signal
On April 19, 1966, Speck returned to stay at his sister Martha's second-floor apartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
...... data signal .....
April 19, 1966, Spec apartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
...data signal translated
A 19, 19...66, Specifications apartment at 39 ...66 N. Avondale Ave
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear fmaily ... atomic social anthropolgy message ... explained ...
Atomic number 19 elctrons 19 protons
atomic mass 39
Potassium - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Calcium - Potassium in biology - New Latin - Potassium chloride
On April 19, 1966, Speck returned to stay at his sister Martha's second-floorapartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
apartment at 39
apartment at 39
Periodic atomic table ---> apartment at 39
thus signal from the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ..... and the atomic mass message VIA mass murder of 8 student nurses comprised of atomic bio-physics mass in Chicago.
The B1ooD signal --> word B100D
--> alphabet letter B + number 100 + letter D
Speck broke into a townhouse located
at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago.
It was functioning as a dormitory for several young student nurses
In addition...we have the gravity / b100d interaction database ....
drove Speck to the National Maritime Union (NMU) hiring hall at 2335 E. 100th St. in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood
Union (NMU)
Union (NMU)
Union ... gravity equation parameters (Nm ) ... their SYMBOL union / James Burke connection to the East 100th Street ...
in other words ...
East B100D Street bio-gravity LINK to the Universal gravitational constant
Thus in year 2013 we see some pieces to an interetsing puzzle of Nature and human gravity field thoughts
with K = potassium atom thoughts --> thinK
thinK specifications
thinK specs
thinK spec ..... one spec K test
thin richard specK
Tall (6 feet) and thin ..... Nature Darwinian project specifications ... physical specs ..thin and the Darwin SYMBOL MACHINE specs for a proper noun human specimen with name evolution :
Specs for K --> spec k --> speck.
Lat's look at some history of potassium SYMBOL K messages.
Food | Potassium Content |
Potato, Russet, 1 medium | 952 mg |
The K-series of messages .....
1) atomic number 19 and atomic mass 39 --> year 1939
World War II - 20th Century History - About.Com
World War II Timeline World War II (WWII) was a long and bloody war that lasted for six years. Officially beginning on September 1, 1939 when ... the potato eating people of Germany and Poland began to fight ...... explaiined by the WISDOM of the phrase " You are what you eat".
2) pot --> abbrevaition for potassium atoms in pot = potatoes
The Potsdam Conference - History Learning Site
The Potsdam Conference was held from July 16th, 1945 to August 2nd 1945. ThePotsdam Conference is considered to be the last of World War Two's .
Images For Potsdam Conference Ww2
Images For Potatoes
Missouri Potato Suppliers, Missouri Equipment Agricultural Sellers ...
Missouri Potato Suppliers --> Of
Harry Truman And The Potsdam Conference
50th Anniversary Of Khrushchev's Visit To Iowa Is Celebrated -Farm ( To Check The Iowa Potato Crop)...
Nikita Khrushchev - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
ITAR-TASS (Russian News Agency) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
Jack Benny - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In character, he would be 39 years of age, regardless of his actual age. Benny was ... Jack Benny as part of the Waukegan High School band, 1909.
Waukegan / Chicago Potassium-39 - Wiktionary
having nineteen protons and twenty neutrons;
it amounts to over 93% of the element in nature ...
Thus we have history of atomic number 19 ---> from
September 1939 World War 2 to
September 2001 World War .. 2 Towers in Manhattan.
How Stuff Works "Start of World War II: September 1939
How Stuff Works "END of World Towers II: September 19 hijackers
This World War II timeline highlights important dates from September 1939 to April 1940. Follow the events of World War II and the G invasion.
Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE mappingh of year 1939 to year 2001 .....
using the super-symmetry physics INTELLECTUAL tools , mirrors, and parallels..
Year 1943 Manhattan Project --> year 2001 Manhattan Project ERROR
year 1939 ---> atomic number 19 and atomic mass 39 --> atomic number 19 hijackers
year 1939 ----> number 3 --> converted to binary number 11 ---> giving 11th day and the binary towers
September 1939 ---> September 2001
Now .....the next K = 19 message comes from K = Killeen Texas
Year 2001 --> provide number 1
Year 2009 -->< provides number 9
Togrther we have number atomic number19 and bio-chemistry potassium WAR ..... and the shooting in K = Killeen, Texas.
Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nidal Hasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nidal Malik Hasan (born September 8, 1970) is a former United States Army Medical Corps ... He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1997 with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry.
Below, the SYMBOL map that created the tragic signaling EVENT at the Fort Hood, Soldier READ Center.
English Language – A Living Language
fast growth of the English language, mostly technical and scientific. terms due to ... Which is the most frequently used language of the contemporary generation?
Language in Thought and Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SYMBOL life of the living language symbol NH is represented by NH = Nidsal Hasan with the action SYMBOL SH = Shooting.
Thus we see the role of potassium atomic number 19 ..... and its extension to the postassium biochemsitry BATTTLE of Seprtmener 11, 20EPTmesitry WAR