Brazil nuclear power ERROR signal from the Santa Maria nightclub nuclear fire



Super-symmetry physics analysis of EARTHLY events provides us with clues about the underlying deeper levels of REALITY.

This is important to the Grand Unified Theory of existence ...  which includes Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family social activities  and nightclub expressions of atomic bio-physics humanoids.

Let's look at BRAZIL.


Origins and Evolution of the Brazilian Nuclear Program (1947-2011 ...

Brazil's involvement in nuclear technology development began during the Manhattan Project, when Brazil supplied the program with uranium ore. The country ...


Brazil's Nuclear Ambitions, Past and Present - Nuclear Threat Initiative › Articles

Sep 1, 2006 - Brazil wanted to be the Latin American hub of science, technology, and nuclear power


Nuclear activities in Brazil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to The "Autonomous" / "Parallel" Nuclear Program - ... to nuclear technology ... Nuclear Program, it was ...




Thus we see that the BRAZIL atomic nuclear program can affect  Nature's plant, animal, and human cell nuclear features. 


Let's look at a super-symmetry signal bewteen these 2 different formats of expression of the periodic atomic table of elements.

The empirical data EVENT generating the Margaret Mead atomic signal ..........


Nightclub fire kills over 230 in southern Brazil (PHOTOS) — RT News
Jan 27, 2013
A major blaze at a nightclub in the southern Brazilian town of Santa Maria has left at least 231 people dead ...


Nightclub fire kills over 230 in southern Brazil 

Nightclub fire kills over 230 in southern Brazil 

Nightclub fire kills over 230 in southern Brazil  .............. the periodic atomic table .. over 230




Actinides - List of Elements Belonging to the Actinide Group › ... › Element Groups

Actinides. List of Elements Belonging to the Actinide Group. By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Guide. The highlighted elements of this periodic table ...



 Here is a list of elements that are actinides, a subset of the rare earth elements group.

Actinium (sometimes considered a transition metal)




 Here is a list of elements that are
actinides --> ac + ti + ni + des
--> act  time nightclub destiny
, a subset of the rare ear  elements group.

Actinium (sometimes considered a transition metabolism )


Brazil nightclub fire leaves more than 230 people dead - The ...

Jan 27, 2013 - Brazil nightclub fire leaves more than 230 people dead. A blaze swept through a crowded club in southern Brazil early Sunday, killing more ...


Nobody has ever before asked the nuclear family to ... - Search Quotes

Nobody has ever before asked the nuclear family to live all by itself in a box the way we do. ... Margaret Mead


Margaret Mead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Margaret Mead (1901-1978).jpg ... Nuclear family ·

Extended family 




Thus we see the SYMBOL MACHINE code of Brazil ---> B + ra + Z + il  --> with Z = atomic number


Hence, Brazil  is caught up in the  SCIENCE WARS and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family Hierarchy Problem.



The Science Wars: Debating Scientific Knowledge and Technology ... › BooksEducation & Reference

The Science Wars: Debating Scientific Knowledge and Technology



Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars by Ziauddin Sardar - Reviews ...
Rating: 3.4 - 34 votes

Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars


Thomas Kuhn

Thomas Kuhn .... subset signal

......mas K......

......mas K......


Fire rips through crowded Brazil nightclub, killing 233 - 12, 2013 -
Feb 12, 2013 - ... could take part in
some stages of the Brazilian Nuclear Program.
some stages of the Brazilian Nuclear Program.
some stages of the Brazilian Nuclear Program.
some stages of the Brazilian N ....... Program.
some stages of the Brazilian Night     Program.
some stages of the Brazilian Nightclub Program.
 Aftermath of Brazil nightclub fire ... The blaze was started .... 
from the stage and quickly ..


some stages 

some stages 

some stages  ...of periodic atomic table super-symmetry expression





The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance   --> to Brazil
Aug 14, 2011 - What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast ...