University of Wisconsin reveals secrets of Vietnam WAR and Watergate
The Carl JUNG atomic collective sub-conscious MIND , the unconscious MIND, the subliminal MIND ..... a GROUP MIND comprised of university students and employess, professors and their host community plays an important in the unconscious behavior of a society.
It may take many years, decades, for the information and the decisions made by the unconscious LEVEL to rise to a surface level of consciousness. For example, we have a worldwide organization callled the UN ...with their headquarters in Manhattan, New Yprk City.
The UN was started long ago.
United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United Nations (abbreviated UN in English, and ONU in French and Spanish), is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.
The UN currently has a total of 193 member states.
In modern terms .... it is a world-wide organzination of humanoids in the UN....... State of MIND ..this being the UNconscious.
The UN currently has a total of 193 member states
The UNCONSCIOUS currently has a total of 193 member States of MIND.
Thus we see that EARTH geography country/states (EXTERNAL world) provide us with mirror to brain geography maps (INTERNAL world of thought) ..... the human symbolic bio-computer and its awareness ,etc.
UN Careers -->UNCONCIOUS job opportunites
Who we are ·
What we do ·
Where we are ·
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Pay and benefits.
What can I do at UN? Study the periodic atomic table governmental UN --> Uranium + Nitrogen.
Let's look at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. year 2013 ...signals came to my attention. Now these conscious OVERT, explicit signals have been around for a few years ....... but, in addition to their current existence......they reflect the underlying deeper levels of reality that existed around 1970 in the primordial GROUP MIND of Madison, Wisconsin. Thus its has taken 30 to 43 years ...for the deepest LEVEL of Sartre existentialism to rise up to a level of visible expression and explanation.
Let's logic at Nature's puzzle ...... using a math concept method .... called dynamic programming.
In this technique can look at the current STATUS of existential EXPRESSION ....
in this case ..........
Camp Randall Seating Chart - - The Official Web ...
Thus the above message ......the atomic bio-physics huamnoid seating chart for the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family experiments is shown below.
The Shell lobby EARTH LAB experimental site in Madison, Wisconsin ... one of several SHELL test sites.
Seating Chart - UW
Above ...we see the University of Wisconsin atomic English language WORD equation:
sport = S + p + ort --> S and P orbit shown above
This is confirmed ...with the additional data provided by UW atomic football officials.
Shell lobby next to Gate 2 .......... let's translate this into STANDARD anthroplogy physics --
Shell lobby next to Gate 2
Shell lobby next to Gate 2 algebra subset symbols .......
Shell .........n................2 --> that is the principle quantum number 2 above
In that quantum football level 2 ...
we have the sub-shells s and p --> sp.orts
Thus we see how the University of Wisconsin manipulates the
S & P 500 ...atomic stock market economic index of WALL Street.
Principle quantum number ..... atomic sociual economic expressions
At a more serious LEVEL, we see the University of Wisconsin continued LIES and falsehoods about the Vietnam War and Watergate.
Let's look at the situation with the current data.
Camp Randall Seating Chart - - The Official Web ...
Wisconsin Player Guests Will Call is located at Gate 8. Wisconsin Non-Football Recruits Will Call is
located in the Shell lobby next to Gate 2.* Game Day tickets ...
located in the Shell lobby next to Gate 2
located in the Shell lobby next to Gate 2 --> Watergate with H2O.
Thus.... we see Nature's EARTH LAB parallel on the geography surface of earth ...the Tale of 2 CITIES ....
Water100 Hubbleton Watertown Oconomowoc ---> H1 (water100) H2(watertown ) with O
Thus Nature has taken the water molcule and amplified / enlarged it's image AND transformed the image to EARTH geography human size city DISPLAYS be visbile ..for all curious researchers to see and study ..... stufy Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family life and thought.
Above is Nature's HO signal .... several signals .. to the American social party universites in 1970 and 1972.
Watergate ...logic gate ....scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus we have the Wisconsin signals from Presidents .... signals ignored.
President of Johnson Creek, Wisconsin --> President Johnson and Vietnam
President of watertowN Ixonia ---> spells Wisconsin STAR WARS military code
..............................Nixon ..... and Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16 patallel to
Base 16 address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Images for HO chi minh Trail
Images for HO chi minh Trail
Images for HO chi minh Trail
Ho Chi Minh trail
Ho Chi Minh Trial
The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a complex web of different jungle paths that enabled communist troops to travel from North Vietnam to areas close to Saigon.
complex web of different jungle paths complex web of different jungle paths complex web of different jung paths
complex web of different jung paths
complex web of different jung pathology of symolic life jung paths jung paths Carl Jung - Collective Unconscious
Carl Jung > Collective Unconscious. Concept of Collective Unconscious at Jung. Jung concept of collective unconscious is based on his experiences with ...
Collective unconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. ... Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, ...
Man and His Symbols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Man and His Symbols is the last psychological work undertaken by Carl Jung before his death in 1961. First published in 1964, it is divided into five parts, four of ...
Camp Randall Seating Chart - - The Official Web ...
Wisconsin Player Guests Will Call is located at Gate 8. Wisconsin Non-Football Recruits Will Call is located in the Shell lobby next to Gate 2 Shell lobby next to Gate 2 Shell lobby next to WaterGate 2nd term of Nixon
Militray artillary shell lobby in Vietnam Asia region in 1972
Super-symmetry physics and mirrors of various dimensions, FORMATS, and sizes of string theory REALITY on atomic EARTH.
Electron shell expressions of anger regarding atomic anthroplogy policy ERRORS and LIES in the news ![]() A gun crew from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 83d Artillery, fires their M107 in Vietnam during combat operations in 1968. (U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center) by Matthew J. Seelinger During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army established artillery firebases around South Vietnam to support