Gravity grocery store ROC war --> Region of Convergence battle involves gravity astronauts of NASA, Gabby Giffords, and Land Grant colleges with ROTC ROC programs and their students.
First, let's review some background infomation about gravity ENGLISH grammar and gravity interaction FORMATs.
Then we will cover the Earth goverment garvity field and its LAND GRANT program humanoids.
The SYMBOL MACHINE words --> LAND GRANT --> LAND GRA +ANT --> soil / geography LAND GRAVITY ANTHROPOLOGY system of Nature.
Gravity field ships and data yachts
Let's look at gravity data field messages that appear in newspapers, road maps, advertising, WEBSITE themes, etc.
The gravity field interacts with human brain mass giving brain weight. In addition, the gravity field interacts with serious, heavy thoughts of math and science students and their bio-computer brain data fields ...... these data fields then becomes gravity data fields ... thus allowing Nature's gravity field to acquire an INTELLECT with gravity grammar data fields. After hundred's of years of this interaction process, the gravity field has become an INDEPENDENT intellectual life format that interacts with humanoid brain mass thoughts.
This interaction with gravity ...allows the COMPUTER EARTH gravity field to use humanoids as gravity field output devices ... hence, the appearance of gravity field grammar messages ...for the alert and aware amateur science researcher ..... or those with a curiosity about basic science and existence.
Signaling message to NASA and Arizona Gabby Giffords ... an adult female gravity interaction structure WHOSE astronaut husband is a male gravity interaction structure with NASA.
The 4-wheeled iron automobiles and their iron HEME group drivers and passengers that traveled gravity highway ROUTE 66 .... traveled thru a EARTH LAB gravity experiment ...... the interaction of the gravity field with iron cars --> Gravity ships
1960 Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Highway 67 - The State Trunk Tour - Wisconsin Road Trip Fun - Pick ...
Check out Highway 19 · Check out Highway 20 ... main street for towns like Elkhorn, Oconomowoc, Mayville and Plymouth, and provides access to Elkhart Lake ..
Above, we see the EARTH gravity field interaction signals --> atomic number 26 for iron gravity ships (automobiles) that travel highway 26
Mayville with highway 67 --> implies the gravity field equation .... social engineering FORCE = Ma with gravity field adjective/modifiers/attributes (yville) .
Thus the secret garvity city word: Mayville --> Ma + yville
What is F = MA?
What is F = MAyville, wisconsin ?
Finally, we have a INTERNET theme message about a 67 gravity yacht .
Computer Earth gravity grammar word --> LUXURY --> LUX --> Logical Unit X
Above, the SOLAR SYSTEM sun and its gravity field influence upon EARTH .... that is the SOLAR SYSTEM project plan known as PLAN EARTH or PLANET EARTH.
Below text, the gravity signal 67 LU ==> Logical UNIT X --> of LUXURY gravity field yachts .. shown above.
Notice, the above gravity grammar code.
1) the picture shows the SUN and its well-known gravity field contains the EARTH in a solar system orbital around the SUN on the EARTH's yearly orbit rotation.
2) 67 luxury yacht -->the right side of gravity number 6.67 ---> .67 or the number 2/3
3) PORTofino --> Port --> a computer Earth I/O port
4) Portofino, Italy ..... a alphabet string of letters with subset letters ..
.................o..ITAL --> which we recognize is more complete word: orbital
5) Portfino --> subset ltters--> no --> node --> a communications node of the port of Portifino .... a gravity field SITE within the solar system oribital
The above clues are provided by the subconscious MIND of the people involved and the subconsious mind of the computer programmers at the SQUARESPACE website hosting company.
They are indirectly linked .... to COMPUTER EARTH ...... whose news appears in the magazine...
Images for computer world magazine
Below, is Base 16 geography hexadecimal region HEX'AF' = 175 = AFRICA and its computer science BRAIN voodoo tricks
Computer world - IT news, features, blogs, tech reviews, career advice
Images for earth globe
Gates --> symbol G --> universal gravitational constant and its gravity field logic gates with humanoid representative Gates ...
who denies the existence of gravity interaction with brain atomic mass.
Other news shown .....
TECH revamp --> TECH re-vamp --> Virginia TECH return of vampire technology on the Base 16 HEX/curse so data processing on April 16.... thus the blood flow to satisfy the TECH re-vamp display project.
Thus you have some pieces to some interesting puzzles about life on EARTH.
Now, lets look at the Milky WAY gravity grocery store battle in the EARTH LAB Arizona gravity region with gravity ROUTE 66.
This region conatins atomic mass containers known as atomic, bio-physics humanoids with the equation ....
gravity with human atomic mass = human weight.
2011 Tucson shooting
On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona,
The shooting took place on January 8, 2011, at 10:10 am MST (17:10 UTC).[1][15] A United States Representative from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, was holding a constituent meeting called "Congress on Your Corner"[10][16] at the Safeway supermarket in La Toscana Village mall, which is in Casas Adobes, an unincorporated area north of Tucson, Arizona.
Above, we see the key word: SAFEWAY and its subset word WAY --> Milky WAY Galaxy site.
What kind of site --> A safeway grocery store ..with keyword grocery.
Grocery --> Gr + roc --> Gravity region of convergence ....... with gravity grammar language exchanges as people converge to the store to engage in their secret gravity language.
with G= universal gravitational constant agent Gabby Giffords ..... whose staff and advisors deny the existence of gravity.
Region of Convergence for the Z-transform - Connexions
Jul 20, 2011 - The region of convergence, known as the ROC , is important to understand because it defines the region where the z-transform exists.
Thus the Gravity ROC --> G + ROC --> GROCERY store and the secret gravity political science meetings of Gabby Giffords subsconscious mind.
Above--> GROCERY store mathematical-physics and social engineering class
Thus Nature's ROC signal to Congress VIA the bullet hole ROC in the skull of Gabby Giffords ..... caught in the middle of an INTELLECTUAL gravity war ...... and the gravity language communications conflict was transformed by Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE to physical conflict with human display devices in the gravity theater of WAR.
Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative ... -
Alan Sokal's writings on science, philosophy and culture the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" ..... Science Wars, edited by Andrew Ross (Duke University Press, November ...
Gabby Giffords, the University of Arizona, and NASA scientists ought learn some simple communications concepts. Despite their superior thoughts and preceptions .... they may have missed something simple .... that a simple minded person might recognize.
The grocery store --> ROC --> has ROC militray agents .. known as ROTC students ..that took the required or optional course at LAND GRANT colleges. The Pentagon military ROTC program provides algebra subset symbols ROC ... hence ROC military soldiers for the SYMBOL MACHINE and the social engineering SYSTEM wars.
In addition, we have the Earth LAND GRANT organic chemistry molecule continuum with organic chemistry author L.G.WADE and his duality NATURE --> hence, alias Land Grant Wade.
Wave-particle duality - Science Daily
In physics and chemistry, wave-particle duality holds that light and matter exhibit ... Uncertainty principle — In quantum physics, the Heisenberg uncertainty ...
Above, the Land Grant (Wade) organic chemistry military training manual.
Let's look at some ROTC agents involved in the ROC wars.
The gravity grocery store milatary command outpost in Oconomowoc Wisconsin was the SENTRY grocery store. and its ROC ..and within that geography region of convergence is St.John's Northwestern Milatary Academy and ROTC agent: Mark D. TOtzke.
Man charged with killing mother with axe, planned rampage ...
Mark D. Totzke was held on $1 million bail after being charged with ... J. Pieper that Totzke, a former ROTC second lieutenant, told police he had .... Jean Totzke, were members of the CIA, brutally murdered her with an ax, ...
Totzke, a former ROTC second lieutenant ..... but still a SYSTEM military SENTRY in the SENTRY grocery store roc region
Gloria J. Totzke .... a longtime teacher at St. John's Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield.
Another gravity field ROC agent was Major Nidal Hasan.
Hasan joined the United States Army immediately after high school in 1988 and served eight years as an enlisted soldier while attending college. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1997 with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry.
There are questions on the INTERNET of his ROTC training existed.
In either acse., he was related to the U.S. ARMY brain bio-computer programming system ... thus directly or indirectly VIA the Cral Jung atomic collective unconsciousness of the university student/teacher collective MIND .... he could automatically have picked by the ROTC bio-computer programs into his subconscuous mind AND learned subconscious version of ROC via the students that studied ROC at the Norris Hall engineering building.
Hasan Graduated From Virginia Tech - Free Republic
Nov 6, 2009 - Nidal Malik Hasan, the suspected shooter at Fort Hood, was a ... He is a graduate of Virginia Tech, where he was a member of the ROTC and ...
Malik Nadal Hasan (PHOTO): Key Details Emerge About Fort Hood ...
Thus we see ...that humans are subsets embedded within the multi-facted information spaces of Nature and its existentila expressions.
We are embedded within the gravity field ..... and we have the plane geometry x,y,z coordinates.
The EARTH geography surface is like the x y geometry plane ... a sheet of paper in high school algebra class.
Thus a standing Gabby Giffords is standing in the Z-axis plane at the Safeway grocery store ROC ... a refuses to acknowledge the existence of the
Region of Convergence and Examples
is inside the region of convergence (ROC) in the z-plane, which is composed of all
Z-transforms - nptel
Region of Convergence(RoC). Region of Convergence for a discrete time signal x[n] is defined as a continuous region in z plane where the Z-Transform ...
Signals and Systems > 6. z-Transform > 6.2 Region of Convergence ...
The region of convergence are the values of z for which the z-transform converges.
Mark Kelly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other people named Mark Kelly, see Mark Kelly (disambiguation). ... He is the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, an author, and an ... He was selected to become a NASA Space Shuttle pilot in 1996 and flew his first ...
Astronaut Bio: Mark Kelly (7/2011) - Johnson Space Center - NASA
Astronaut Biography: Mark Kelly. ... NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration ... Kelly is married to U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
NASA denies the existence of the Z-transform and the grocery store ROC .. etc.
All these details of the gravity war were omitted from the trial .....
Gabrielle G = Gravity thought field shooting case: Killer Jared Lee Loughner mentally ...
Analysis of atomic English language ink pen code of the black ink writing pen --> Pentagon code" ROTC" --> TC --> THOUGHT CONTROL program.
This information is provided by the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought .. with atomic number 43 providing the message.
Atomic ROTC --> TC -->
TC = THOUGHT CONTROL of the 64 DNA codons via ROTC brain educational programs.
TC --> DNA equation 43 --> base 4 exponent 3 = 64 combinations of DNA codons ... hence, the Pentagon secrets of manipulation as ordered by the citizen / government.
Atomic song lyrics......
Another Brick in the Wall Lyrics Part 2 -
by Pink Floyd. Another Brick in the Wall Lyrics - Part 1 (Waters) 3:41. Daddy's flown across the ocean ...
We dont need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the ...