Gravity Feedback Control Systems
We shall review gravity feeback control systems ...... whose existence is suggested by the body language SIGNALS of humanoids that live within the Earth gravity field.
Physics states that gravity interacts with mass ...that is ...... atomic mass to give WEIGHT.
The COMPUTER EARTH system 370 gravity processor is well-known ....with its features.
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory helps us understand the gravity DATA FIELD that interact with huamn brain atomic mass.
Humans have thoughts.....and thought expressions labeled as mass communications ( television, radio, print) ...which is really atomic MASS communication. Thus thoughts are atomic MASS thoughts.
Since gravity interacts with BRAIN atomic MASS and its thoughts....... this interaction over thousands of years has resulted in the evolution of gravity field thoughts from atomic thoughts. Now, in recent years ....say after 1990 .... gravity has become an independent thought entity THAT works in partnership with human bio-gravity symbolic machines.
What are some features of NATURE's gravity data processing environment?
Gravity x Mass ---> implies WEIGHT = W 8 --> 8 data bits
The accelerations of gravity --> implies 32 --> Cobol computer language WORD size 32
Project GHOST --> G + Host --> Gravity HOST system 370 mainframe processor
In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:
Let's look at some ancient CLUES about gravity feedback control systems.
Bio-physics gravity ENGLISH grammer helps us look at gravity humaniod SIGNALS.
Feedback --> Feed back
Gravity --> Gra + vi --> gravity vines --> gra + vi --> grape vines
Thus we seek ancient Roman art picture ...those subtle signals ....that Nature presented in those ancient days.
classical mechanics - Center of Gravity - Physics
800 × 623 - The meal could take many hours to complete. The positions of both
Some INTERNAL mind engineering calculations that surfaced to a level of conscious display ...the EXTERNAL display of Roman highways and aqueducts.
The person's deeper mind ... wonders... . did BOTANY's grape engineering team provide an optimal garvity group of entities.
Why did Romans lie down on couches while dining? - Quora
It was thought to be a mark of elegance to eat lying down. During the early Republic only men were permitted to dine in this manner, with the women sitting on ...
Images for feedback control systems
550 × 185 - The block diagram of a basic closed-loop control system is shown in the ...
Feedback Control Systems - MIT OpenCourseWare
This course will teach fundamentals of control design and analysis using state-
Grapes of Luxury - Television Tropes & Idioms
Grapes of Luxury
Gra pes Lux
Gra pes Lu x --> Gravity pests Logical Unit X