Sybil ... the 16 secrets of  Sybil's 16 different personalities at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Let's look at the enigma .....  the mystery of the Sybil human bio-computer subroutine and its  effects upon the people in the Base 16 hexadecimal geography region of  Base 16 expression --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

what are sybil's 16 different personalities - Ask Community › AllMusic, Movies, TV & Celebrities
Nov 22, 2012 - Sybil Isabel Dorsett was the most famous case of multiple personality. 
The Sybil influence  ......

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue may refer to: The White House, the United States presidential residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.; 1600 ...
Let's look some more .... at this code book about the White House in Washington, DC.
First let review another report.
The world is an ineresting place. In year 2103, many secrets await the curious person.

Let's take a look at the human bio-computer.   The human bio-computer brain has  existed for thousands of years.
The invention and  devlopment  of copper wire computer bewteen 1950 and 1980, and their usage by business corporations provides scientists with a frame of reference.

The copper wire computers, their hardware and software,  and their computer languages and computer manuals provide the frame of reference needed:   concepts,  terms,  words, flowcharts, etc.

Now, with super-symmetry physics and bio-physics MIRRORS and parallel  processing concepts .....

we see the copper wire computer concepts as PARTIAL MIRROR to the human bio-computer processor with LU = Logical Unit --> LUNG ...with base 16 hexadecimal oxygen molecule atomic number 16 and atomic/molecular mass 32 (COBOL computer languauge word size 32)

Below, the "TALE of  2  computer systems"


IBM System/370 - Wikipedia, the free‎
The IBM System/370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM mainframes announced on June 30, 1970 as the successors to the System/360 family. The series ...

Evolution - ‎Expanding the address space - ‎Series and models - ‎S/370 replacement
System/370 Job Control Language: Gary DeWard Brown › ... ›Control Systems
A reference and training guide that explains the 370 Job Control Language. ... All the major concepts and facilities of the IBM System/370 operating system are ...
System/370 Job Control LanguageSystem/370 Job Control LanguageSystem/37.0 degrees Celsius temperature ....  Job Control Language:Temperature of a Healthy Human bio-computer system (Body Temperature) -‎
The normal core body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being isstated to be at 98.6 degrees fahrenheit

or 37.0 degrees celsius. Though the body ...

A bio-computer case that was in news   yearss  ago ....  deserves another look.
Sybil (book) - Wikipedia, the free‎
Sybil is a 1973 book by Flora Rheta Schreiber about the treatment of Sybil Dorsett
what are sybil's 16 different personalities - Ask › All ›Music, Movies, TV & Celebrities
Nov 22, 2012 - Sybil Isabel Dorsett was the most famous case of multiplepersonality.

what are sybil's 16 different personalities

what are sybil's 16 different personalities

what are sybil's 16 different personalities
Sybil and Multiple Personality‎
Dec 27, 2011 - Words deleted from the dust jacket of "Sybil Exposed" ... It is a follow-up to the case of a woman

who had 16 personalities, then called Multiple .......
then called Multiple .......
then called Multiple .......
then called Multiple .......
Multiple Fixed Tasking - What does MFT stand for? Acronyms‎
... stand for? Definition of Multiple Fixed Tasking
MFT - Multiprogramming with a Fixed number‎
Acronym Finder: MFT stands for Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks.... Information technology (IT) and computers ...

then called Multiple .......
then called Multiple .......
then called Multiple .......

computers ... Multiple Fixed Tasking
computers ... Multiple Fixed Tasking
human computers ... Multiple Fixed Tasking
human computer  Sybil ... Multiple Fixed Tasking

What other CLUES do we have  about Sybil  .. CLUES provided by Nature's   SYMBOL MACHINE.

Let's review the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Let's look at Nature's  SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.

The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.

We are reminded of ......

Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...

Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎

Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel‎

Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...

Let's look at your brain  perception problems with  language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.

Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...

Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel‎

GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.

What other CLUES do we have  about Sybil  .. CLUES provided by Nature's   SYMBOL MACHINE  and the Ladder of Abstraction ....  
and analysis of  atomic, bio-physics English language words.
The SYMBOL word clues  ... above
-->  Sybil --> partitioned into subset letters--> Sy + bi + l --> System binary languages (for 2-leg and 2-ear  .. binary humanoids)
--> FLORA --> code .. a geography state  and the parallel state of MIND = Florida .... with data set KEY  ...  Key West
--> RHeta --> RH --> Record Hexadecimal  .....  a humanoid bio-computer output writer (the author) for RH factors in blood .... 
--> RH Factors in b100d hematology computer science --> RH Factors -->  RH F --> Record Hex"F'= 15   relative to Base 16 Earth Lab demo of  SYSTEM = SYbil

Sybil (book) - Wikipedia, the free‎
Sybil is a 1973 book by Flora Rheta Schreiber about the treatment of Sybil Dorsett (a pseudonym for Shirley Ardell ...
Sybil Isabel Dorsett (1923), the main personality;

Sybil Isabel Dorsett
Sybil Isabel Dorsett
Sy .... Is ..... D    set
System Information systems Data set
A Girl Not Named Sybil - - The New York
Oct 14, 2011 - Tapes Raise ..... 'Sybil' Personalities ... Schreiber, author of "Sybil,”
the blockbuster book about a woman with 16 personalities.

the blockbuster
the block   buster
.he  block  bus
.hex data  block data bus  .... this is reference to the old human computer network of the PU = Processing Unit  used by the PU = PUblishing industry.

What is the old  human computer network.
Let's go back to year 1910  .... and Nature's phase of data procesing using humanoids.

We have the CPU version in 1910  ... Central PU = Central Public Library.CPU - 

Central Processing Unit -‎

Definition: CPU is the abbreviation for central processing unit. The CPU is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place.

What is a CPU? (Central Processing Unit, Computer Processor)

New York CPU = Central Public Library

Below, system internals comprised of human brain electron circuits that do Nature's system processing at some subconsciousness level on the LADDER of Abstraction.

What is a CPU? (Central Processing Unit built by Nature, comprised of humanoid Computer Processors)
Thus the main CPU is the White House at Computer Earth system 370  
Base 16 geography computer ... Base 16  address space of  16oo Pennsylvania Avenue.
Sybil - The WTV‎
According to the book Sybil, as a child Mason suffered from extreme abuse at the ...

Wilbur discovered 16 different personalities within Mason and believed they .

Time-sharing system evolution - Wikipedia, the free‎
As of the middle 1960's, all computer systems were single program systems known ... using teletypewriter terminals that operated at 10-characters per second over .... from ORVYL, used under OS/VS as an

alternative to TSO, →SuperWilbur ...

ORVYL and WYLBUR (phonetic sound equivalents ... Wilber   Wilbur)   Wikipedia, the free‎
ORVYL and WYLBUR are the names associated with the Stanford Timesharing System. Initially developed in 1967-68 for the IBM S/360-67 mainframe computer ...‎Overview - ‎Use - ‎Advantages and disadvantages - ‎References

Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from‎
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with asymbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
The biochemistry / hematology B100D data processing system helps us understand the situation.
Blood has a  physical biology circulation system that also.. circulates information  ..... nous, verbs, concepts, etc.
Thus the INTERNAL human body and brain processor.
The INTERNAL information is sent by blood cells to the myoglobin protein ARM writing muscles of newspaper reporters  ...
that write bio-computer output reports that are published in the EXTERNAL world  ......  published on cellulose  paper with black ink language symbols .... and these news reports are circulated in the EXTERNAL world of the living EARTH cell.
Thus the life blood of the Computer EARTH system and Nature's INTELLECT is some extent ... 

EXTERNAL newspaper circulation that has a  super-symmetry bio-physics parallel to
INTERNAL circulation. 
The blood equation used by hematology political   scientists  .... 
Base 16 hexadecimal  multiply alpha/numeric B100D --> 1600 (INTERNAL number)   and the EXTERNAL expression at address space of 1600 Pennsyslvania Avenue.
Base 16 hexadecimal  multiply alpha/numeric B100D 
Base 16 ..................times   subset  number 100 within the word --> B100D  
Base 16             times 100 --> 1600 ...the blood HIERACHY code of people at the White House address. 

the names of Sybil's  16    different   personalities?

the names of Sybil's  16    different   personalities?

the names of Sybil's  16    different   person ....... ?

the names of Sybil's  16    different   person ....... ?


the names of Sy  bil's  16    different   person ....... ?

the names of System bill's     16    different   person ....... ?

the names of System Bill Clinton  .... base 16    person ....... ?


President CLI (CLINTON) --> BAL CLI Instruction


Below ... notice ..that Earth systems sent the bio-computer humanoid  to LOC --> DC (Define Constant --> Washington, DC)



Thus we see the B100D symbol Machine and its equations and expressions above.

Thus we see the clinical trial of President Clinton  .... an example of hematology applications to political science.



Clinical Trials - American Society of Hematology › Patients
A clinical trial is a research study involving human volunteers to evaluate new ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat diseases. Clinical trials help
human volunteers to evaluate new ways to prevent, diagnose
human volunteers to evaluate new ways to prevent, diagnose
human volunteers to evaluate new ways to prevent, diagnose
human bio-math hematology volunteers to evaluate new ways to prevent, diagnose -->  diag + nose --> the diagonal  nose  of the  right triangle President  ..

Hematology-related Clinical Trials - Bloodline

Hematology-related Clin    Trials - Bloodline

Hematology-related Clin --> CL in     Trials - Bloodline

Hematology-related Clin --> Compare Logical Instruction   Trials - data processing Bloodline


Impeachment of  hematology bio-math Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Floor proceedings of the U.S. Senate during the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton in 1999,
Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding. House managers ...







Let's look at Nature's  SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.


The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.


We are reminded of ......


Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...


Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎

Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel‎

Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...



Let's look at hematology perception problems with  blood language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.


Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...

Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel‎




GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.




Ladder of Abstraction



Thus ..we have shown some of the   various levels of perception and understanding of the book SYBIL.



What are the names of Sybil's 16 different personalities? - Yahoo ... › All CategoriesSocial SciencePsychology

Bases - IBM
bc lets you specify numbers in different bases—for example, octal (base 8) or hexadecimal (base 16). You can input numbers in one base and output them in a 


Introduction to Hexadecimal, or Base 16, Number System - ITNewb
Jun 21, 2009 - The Hexadecimal, or base 16 number system is important to programmers because it's a shorthand way of writing out and inputting binary .

What are the names of Sybil's 16 different personalities? - Yahoo ...

What are the names of Sybil's 16 different personalities? - Yahoo ...

What are the names of Sy       16                 per            ? - Yahoo ...

What are the names of System370  Base 16    per        - Yahoo ...


Per = Program Event Recording 

    The architecture of IBM system 370/360 is one of the most durable systems of the ... timer, extended control timer, clock comparator, program event recording.
  • [PDF]

    Systems IBM System/370 Model 145 Functional ... - Bitsavers
    OS/DOS Compatibility. IBM System/370 Model 145 Functional Characteristics. Program Event Recording. Selector Channel (channell without IFA; channel 2.




Introduction to
S/370 Principles of Operation 




Here are the main sections ...... ( the deeper levels of reality at the White House)


  • Stopped, Operating, Load, and Check-Stop States
  • Program-Status Word
  • Control Registers
  • DAS Tracing
  • Program-Event Recording
  • Direct Control
  • Timing
  • Externally Initiated Functions
  • Multiprocessing
  • CPU Signaling and Response
  • Channel-Set Switching
Thus we see the  COMUPTER EARTH system 370 Program Event Recording  battle  taking place in the PER --> Persian Gulf region  ... the geography region representing the PER = Program Event Recording.
The dynamic address translation to ---> Computer Earth geography address space ... Per -->  Persian Gulf EVENT recording
Other Computer system commands expressed by this EARTH data processign war region ..
IRQ -- > Interrupt Request --> IRQ expanded to proper noun --> IRAQ (representing the IRQ computer problem)

what are sybil's 16 different personalities - Ask Community › AllMusic, Movies, TV & Celebrities
Nov 22, 2012 - Sybil Isabel Dorsett was the most famous case of multiple

what are sybil's 16 different personalities - Ask Community › AllMusic, Movies, TV & Celebrities
Nov 22, 2012 - Sybil Isabel Dorsett was the most famous case of multiple

what are sybil's 16 different personalities - Ask a computer  programmer › AllMusic, Movies, TV & Celebrities
Nov 22, 2012 - Sybil Isabel Dorsett was the most famous case of multiple ....

Sybil Isabel Dorsett

Sy ... Is ...........

System IS = Information Systems