Carbon Black - Living Symbols
Some theoretical organic chemists believe that humanoid structures are composed of organic molecules: carbon and hydrogen atoms...along with other elements of the periodic atomic table. But newpsapers and magazines do NOT give recognition to these trival SCIENCE matters about human LIFE.
Let's see what Nature thinks. Humans are subsets embedded within the multi-facted dimension of Nature. Thus subset humans and their subset human institutions live with the atomic/astrophysics continuum of the TOE = Theory of Everthing ....which includes EARTHLY space/ time AND atom and moleculer expressions in many formats including humanoids.
Nature's design teams and Nature's engineers have been around for millions of years ..... and continue to function today: despite university administration claims of supremacy over EVERYTHING in existence. Nature's molecular process engineers designed and built BOTANY cellulose trees, Nature designed and built dinosaurs, and Nature's designed and built 4-legged elephants and 2-legged humanoids with intellectual perception problems.
Let's look at a modern process ...over the last few hundred years. In year 2012 ...let's assume NATURE has an organic chemsitry governmental LEVEL that we interact with .... as humans at another LEVEL ....humans that are organic molecule extensions.
Thus orgnaic chemistry --> social chemistry.
Now William Shakespeare ..arounf year 1600 stated-->
All The World's A Stage by William Shakespeare Classic Famous ...
In year 2012--->
All The World's A Organic Chemistry Stage by Will --> William messenger for Will/ effort/ organic molecule determination to think clearly
All the world's a stage, / And all the men and women merely players --> p layers --> processing layers.
In year 2012, let's look at Carbon Black and its social engineering agents --> humanoids with Carbon Black cotton textile identifiers or humanoids with Carbon Black skin AND their social chemistry experiments in molecular behavior and social expression.
First -->
ICBA : What is Carbon Black
Carbon black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Product nameCarbon Black
- Category Minerals & Metallurgy > Carbon
EXample of Carbon Black agents......
Carbon Black World Conference 2012
Who are these Carbon Black suppliers --> organic chemistry --> social chemistry?
EXample specimen of Nature's organic chemistry engineerg vectors expressions --> agents that do NOT believe in serious communications. University theology, religious, and philososphy departments refuse diplomatic communications about these matters.
Catholic priest - Wikipedia
Progressive Cathholic --algebra subset alphabet sysmbols
Pro ...........C at --> Protons C= Carbon atom
1.15 Carbon: The Unparalleled Element
Why is Carbon so Special?

1. A carbon atom contains 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons, 2 in the first energy level and 4 in the second. This means that carbon can fill its outer energy level by forming 4 single covalent bonds with other atoms. Essentially, an astronomically large number of compounds can be formed because of the simple rules of covalent bonding between carbon and other elements.
2. Carbon is outstanding among all of the elements on earth because of its ability to form large molecules. How?
i) by forming covalent bonds with other carbon atoms
ii) by forming covalent bonds with oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur
Who are some carbon atom humanoid LIFE forms that need to study self-awareness they can tell the other people.
Nature has a vast CARBON BLACK social system TEST in Asia ..thta started around year 1950 in C = Carbon atom --> China.
Thus see the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family --> atomic political science expressions in China.
The Carbon atom humanoid messenger.
402 × 402 - ... an article in the Chinese Communist Party's main
The United States Army Observation Group, commonly known as the Dixie Mission, was sent during World War II to Yan'an, China, to establish the first official relations between the Communist Party of China and the United States of America. It lasted from 22 July 1944 to 11 March 1947.
Above, Americans dressed in carbon atom uniforms and arranged in a CARBON molecule format to provide empiotical data for the American Chemical Society ....... that is the secret society.
American Chemical Society Division of SECRET Organic try
Below, we see SECRET bagents for the DIVISION of Organic Chemsitry - Carbon Black special undercover RD projects
Why do Arab women wear BLACK abayas? - Yahoo! Answers
Why do Arab women wear BLACK abayas? ... Are you saying that you are required to dress in sweltering black robes in a desert so men don't ...
Below, Europe and the BLACK Clothes signal at the funerals of organic molecule agents..
262 × 394 - A woman in a religious procession in Sicily
512 × 349 - An old woman mourning at a funeral, Romania.
Below, other countries.
Above, the girls uses her hair language to express orgnanic molecule messages.
Below, the different types of hair weaves /pigtail SIGNALS used by GIRL organic molecule message expressors.
African Hair braiding and plaiting styles, hair weaving and hair plaiting is a tradition and an art in Africa, dating back years un-known. Today, it has become more of style and creativity. A fashion ... -
Images for african hair braiding styles
350 × 264 - Organic Compounds often form Polymers. Long chains of smaller
The American Chemical Society has many interesting SOCIAL CHEMISTRY relationships.