MR.CHO molecule religious messages to molecule CH --> CHURCH Circles.
Nature's organic molecule systems interact with human systems. This concept was outlined in the SOCIAL CONTRACT by John Locke and other philosophers.
The thoughts of HUMAN organic chemistry molecules become --> social chemistry behavior and molecule social philosophy POLICIES. Consequently, we see Nature's systems and its molecular SYMBOL language.
Nature's organic molecule continuum is composed of hydrocarbons and their expressions ... such as humanoid structures comprised of carbon and hydrogen atoms that use the mouth ORGAN --> to speak ORGANIC chemistry social science words and verBAL bio-computer commands to other humanoid hydrocarbon aggregates. BAL = Basic Assembler Language used by the data processing molecule C-H bonds. The organic molecule used the CH INSTRUCTION --> Compare Halfword Instrcution..
Let's start at the beginning.
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms and molecules are the origin of thought.
Let's look at organic chemistry molecules ... C = Carbon and H = Hydrogen atom.
Organic compound
........, most carbon-containing compounds are organic, and almost all organic compounds contain at least a C-H bond or a C-C bond
Carbon–hydrogen bond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C-H Bond Functionalization in Complex Organic Synthesis
Professor Dalibor Sames. Department of Chemistry, Columbia University. New York, NY 10027, USA ..
C-H Bond Functionalization in Complex Organic Synthesis
C-H Bond ---> CH --> CHARLES Darwin .... a C-H expression
C-H Bond --> CHARLES Function --> Complex Organic Syntax ... English thesis of words ...... explaining molecule evolution in terms of biology structures
Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C-H Bond Functionalization in Complex Organic Synthesis
C-H Bond Functionalization in Complex Or S thesis
C-H symbol / communication Bond Function Complex Orders --> Or S
Evolution pathway of molecule OUTPUT information systems...
Start with CH......
Create a organic molecule humanoid and assign the name ---> CH Darwin --> Carbon Hydrogen (analysis reporter) Darwin
On the Origin of Species - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On the Origin of Species is a work of scientific literature by CH bonds to the English language SYMBOL MACHINE.
Molecule species ...... or humanoid parallel versions
Showing results for ethyl molecule
-> associated with the super-symmetry relationship
Families of Organic Compounds Functional Groups ...
Organic compounds can be grouped into families by their common structural features.
Families of Organic Compounds Fun/ pleasure/ parties
the Kennedy family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass --> I/O data PORT molecule MASS .
Thus we see Nature's level of expression ...VIA Nature's organic molecule INTELLECT system and its molecule social engineering projects ---> project output --> various human social expressions and political structures..
Let's look at Nature's new, virgin military organic molecule LANGUAGE technology display ..... at the appropriate EARTH location of Virginia TECH university ..... one of several DEMO sites in Nature's version of DARPA ...advanced projects agency in REALITY and awareness.
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's look at the organic chemistry background of human molecule code: MR.CHO --> M R CHO ---> Molecule R CHO.
Aldehyde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
with the structure R-CHO, consists of a carbonyl center ... Aldehydes have properties that are diverse and that depend on the remainder of the molecule.
abbreviated symbols M R CHO -->
known in social chemistry as MR.CHO ...... a organic molecule humanoid that speaks and writes Nature's new, virgin molecule ENGLISH language VERSUS the Virginia TECH INTELLECTUAL fantasy island social science languages.
What Is an Aldehyde?
What Is an Aldehyde?
because they ... formula for aldehydes is R-CHO, where R represents the rest of the molecule that is ...
What Is an Aldehyde?
Aldehydes are organic molecules, which means they are made from carbon atoms. They can be differentiated from other organic molecules because they contain an aldehyde, or formyl, group. This group is made up of a carbon atom that is attached to a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom by a single bond and double bond, respectively. Aldehydes are just one of the many different types of organic molecules and compounds. They differ greatly in their physical properties, and are often formed by the oxidation of an alcohol.
Ketones and aldehydes are very similar in that they both have carbon atoms double bonded to oxygen — these are called carbonyl groups. Aldehydes can be differentiated from ketones based on where the carbonyl group is found. It is found at the end of the molecule in an aldehyde, while within the ketone molecule the carbonyl group is found between two other carbon atoms.
The chemical formula for aldehydes is R-CHO, where R represents the rest of the molecule that is attached to the carbon of the aldehyde group through a single bond. Aldehydes are very common compounds, and the simplest is formaldehyde.
What Is an Aldehyde?
General Chemistry Online: Glossary: Introduction to organic chemistry
(RCHO): An aldehyde is an organic compound with a carbon bound to a -(C=O)-H ... A molecular fragment derived by removing a methyl hydrogen from propene ...
What Is an Alde..... hyde?
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Wikipedia, the free ...
Now lets look at the C-H bond as expressed VIA humanoids that use the organic chemistry RELIGION algebra equation of the union of sets.
Let's look at the organic components ...again.
C-H --->
Carbon–hydrogen bond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U ---> Union of sets from algebra set theory
R CH --->
Chapter 15 Aldehydes and Ketones and Chiral Molecules - Sitemaker
Thus we have the chemistry symbols and algebra ...
( CH molecule information data set ) Union (RCH ) --> CH union RCH --> CHURCH.
Thus we see the desire/ the emotional energy of the molecule UNIT ..... CH.
CH + UR + RCH --> CH unit URGE/desire to RCH (reach) another hydrocarbon entity.
Thus we see Nature and molecular desire started millions of years ago ...and created the variety of orgnaic chemistry expression formats .... animals and BIOLOGY formats in plants.
Let's continue looking at the organic molecule --> social chemistry language regarding theology, philosphy and religion.
The molecule English langauge messenger MR.CHO --> CHO --> CH + O --> CHURCH Circles/ groups of organic molecule humanoids that gather together once a week ..... to exchange molecular social talk ...... using their CHIN --> Carbon Hydrogen INSTRUCTIONS to others.
Why Priests Wear Black
Why do priests wear black? Below, we see the organic chemistry SIGNALING clothes of CARBON BLACK molecule leaders of a community. Notice, he wears the math symbol for cross-correlation analysts.
Then we specific message from Nature's organic moelcule continuum to the RCH group known as the Roman Catholic Church.
the Carbon atom religious equation ..... --> Cat --> Catholic and atomic social engineering with theology .... refuse to communicate about the Polish GODZIN project of Nature's sytems and the molecular data stream of consciousness.
Hence, since communications are ignored NATURE used Darwinian organic molecule selection of a human with a proper noun identifier ...that would best explain the those involved in to molecule diplomatic ERRORS .... hence the Virginia TECH signaling EVENT.
Mr.CHO -->
M = Molecule agent LINK to M-theory physics with string theory --> rope theory --> Eu.ROPE ..message destination
RCH --> message FROM a molecule structure VIA humanoid message delivery vehicle CHO
RCH --> message TO Roman Caholic CHURCH and other CHristian religions of CH
O --> religious circles
O --> Oxygen atomic computer 16 with Base 16 hexdecimal bio-computer abilities
O --> Oxygen messages to the univeristies under Pope Benedict XVI = BASE 16.
Why doesn't the Notre DAME University recognize the situation...... they know how to play football in Indiana, USA.
How about the Catholic univeristy ...... Marquette in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
They ought study organic chemsitry social policy LAW and REALITY in their LAW school ... instead of inventing stuff?
Organic molecules .... the SUPREME COURT of Nature and its legal expressions VIA organic molecule humanoids.