China IRON WAR - 26 April 1989



Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test site within the Solar System.
A virtual, hypothetical scientist ..... positioned millions of miles away from EARTH ...... would observe the EARTH  LAB as some collection  of atoms and molecules  and moving bio-physics entitites like humanoids.


Thus EARTH would become laboratory ...... and the distant astrophysics scientist WOULD observe astrophyscis bio-chemistry  LIFE forms at CALTECH composed of bio-math logarithms from geo-logarithms  location  of LOGAN, UTAH.

Parallel Universes: Scientific American

Apr 14, 2003 – Not just a staple of science fiction, other universes are a direct ... A person who is not you but who lives on a planet called Earth, with misty mountains ... The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible, but it looks ...



Let's look at EARTH ......from the IRON atom achitecture of existence.  The VIEW components:

a) The Earth iron core of geology
b) The periodic atomic table elements of Li (Language interface) + Fe = Ferrous oxide atom SPELLS LiFe
c) The North Pole magnetic field FLOW lines that pass thru the huamn brain / cortex
d) The interaction of the EARTH magnetic field with human iron HEME group Fe(2) ions in the human body/brain
e) Thus the Darwinia evolution over thousands of years ...of this interaction mechanism ....has resulted in  an 

Earth  iron CORE <---> magnetic communications LINK <----> CORTEX / with 26 protons atomic alphabet 26 letters


Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] .... both simultaneous and successive, in
correspondence with external coexistences and sequences.


Herbert Spencer in year 1855 / 1856  wrote about the relationship of the INTERNAL iron atom used in biology and its possible relationship to EXTERNAL display .....  expression formats of IRON.



Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.


Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result
John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - Biography & Autobiography

Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then ...



Let's clarify that year 1855 --> 55 / 56 atomic mass --> mass communications ---> message vehicles of that day were newsapers / books.   In year 2102, mass communications is comprised of: television, radio, print, graphic arts, INTERNET,etc.   For a scientists, mass communications is REALLY atomic mass communications ..... atomic output thought messages  VIA  the iron myoglobin protein WRITING arm muscles of authors and news reports...who lack the INTELLECTUAL MUSCLE needed in year 2012.


Year 1855 NATURE gives CLUES about the Earth iron CORE message system for geologists.

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] .... both simultaneous and successive, in
correspondence with external coexistences and sequences.

The Correspondence Between Life and Its

The Cor +respond + ence Between Life and Its

Th  e Core + respond + ence Between Life and Its

Th earth IRON  Core asks for a human cortex respond  ....  Between Life and Its


Thus  Herbert Spencer used the IRON atomic English language word: Correspondence ..... but it's only with modern college freshman textbooks in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, geology, etc ...... that we can see the BIGGER PICTURE ....  i
nvolving the year 1855 / 1856 ---> numbers 55/ 56 ferrous oxide atomic mass signal VIA his timely information book.

A second  mesenger also communicated about the EARTH iron core and its thoughts and life FORMAT.
That EARTH iron core   geology messenger of that TIME FRAME was 

A Journey to the Center of the Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (French: Voyage au centre de la Terre, also ... the Interior of the Earth) is a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. Journey to the Center of the Earth (Dover Thrift ... › BooksChildren's BooksLiterature & Fiction
"In 1864 Jules Verne published 'Journey to the Center of the Earth,' the charming narrative of the adventures of a party of three, led by a German professor of ...





Thus ...EARTH  iron core  <----> IRON MAN  project.

When  VIEWED as a bi-directional relationship, modern biochemistry social science analysts can  LOOK at the EXTERNAL information display of an EVENT  and possibly gain an understanfng of the INTERNAL biology government and its molecular political  thought and biochemistry social  policy conflicts.


Let's look at an  IRON hematology societal signaling  EVENT.



Tiananmen Square

A massive demonstration for democratic reform, begun on Tiananmen Square by Chinese students in April, 1989


Tiananmen Square, Then and Now - In Focus - The Atlantic

Jun 4, 2012 – A student displays a banner with one of the slogans chanted by the crowd of some 200,000 pouring into Tiananmen Square, on April 22, 1989 ...


Let's take Herbert Spencer's VIEW of year 1855 --> 55 --> 55.84 atomic mass of ferrous oxide atoms / IRON such  as may exist at Nature's Fer = Ferrous oxide  world  headquarters with Fer --> logic  method to generate ideas ...  to  infer --> Fer = FermiLAB.    But they do NOT communicate about such trival world   matters as Margaret Mead atomic nueclear family ..... atomic world social anthropology political affairs.


INTERNAL biology -->


Hemoglobin and Functions of Iron - UCSF Medical Center › Patient Education

Iron is an essential element for blood production. About 70 percent of your body's iron is found in the red blood cells of your blood called hemoglobin and in ...



HowStuffWorks "Red Blood Cells"
Learn about the production of red blood cells, properties of red blood cells and ... Each molecule of hemoglobin contains four iron atoms, and each iron atom can ...


contains four iron atoms,
contains four iron atoms,
contains four iron atoms  ----> EXTERNAL display signal ..... of four IRON atoms (Nature's version of  Think Tanks)




contains four iron atoms






Nature's process control system and its feedback signal ..... possible outline ..


HowStuffWorks "Red Blood Cells"
Learn about the production of red blood cells, properties of red blood cells and ... Each molecule of hemoglobin contains four iron atoms, and each iron atom can ...



Nature using Darwinian selection  ...... decided that the ideal EARTH LAB geography place  with the ideal  symbols /proper nouns/ language identifiers  NEEDED to   create a MESSAGE   and optimize the information value of that MESSAGE (from Nature's molecular system engineers) would be CHINA.



What relationships can we identify ....and what subtle method does Nature use?

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...




Hemoglobin and Functions of Iron - UCSF Medical Center › Patient Education
Iron is an essential element for blood production. About 70 percent of your body's iron is found in the red blood cells of your blood called hemoglobin and in ...
Above, we see the INTERNAL description of red cells
Below, we see the EXTERNAL geography world display of that INTERNAL red structure.
Tian' An Men Square protests of 1989
Tiananmen Square, the location of the protests
Date 15 April 1989 – 4 June 1989
Location Beijing
Various other major cities nationwide

Iron ore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron ores are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically ... oxides and vary in color from dark grey, bright yellow, deep purple, to rusty red.


Above, EXTERNAL building is a reminder of the Eaerth  INTERNAL   ....ron ores are rocks and minerals ... to rusty red.

AND a reminder of the Pearl S. BUCK book "The Good Earth"

The Good Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Good Earth is a novel by Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 and awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1932. The best-selling novel in the United States in ...
Thus we see Herbert Spencer's INTERNAL <---> EXERNAL relationship / correspondence in 2 examples.
a) The  INTERNAL biology  red blood cells with iron --> EXTERNAL RED building of Tiananmen Square 1989 of the RED COMMUNISTS

b) The  INTERNAL geology red mineral iron --> EXTERNAL representation of RED building of the RED COMMUNISTS


Thus , we see the addition ---> Nature's biological government of red blood cells ---> expressed by human agents and their EXTERNAL thoughts and behavior .....such as the RED Communist political party and red cell party meetings and the hematolgy Red FLAG molecular cell biologists .......
Parties to the civil conflict
undefined Communist Party of China
China Government of the People's Republic of China
China Emblem PLA.svg People's Liberation Army
University students
Factory workers

The Techniques of Communism: Invading Education
The Red instructor has many other "non-Communist" sources to draw on-those .... Party not to have any trace of membership, and not to attend any branch meetings. ..... There has been a flourishing and effective cell of at least thirty Communist ...

The Red Menace (1949): Cell Meeting -

Aug 9, 2012 - 5 min - Uploaded by CONELRAD6401240
A contentious Communist cell meeting from the 1949 Cold War exploitation classic, "The Red Menace" (1949).

Thus the perception of William Shakespeare ...

"The World is a bio-chemistry social expressions stage and we are the hemoglobin red blood cell players '.
Modern molecular cell biology --> social science expressions. PLEASE help clarify these hematology signals!

Communism in Washington State: Rough Beginnings: The 1920s --> 20s --> 20 standard amino acid messages for standard model physics and bio-physics LIFE with awareness in year 2012.
Many of the early members came from the Red wing of the old Socialist Party. .... changing residence, and dividing into small cells that met in secret locations. ... and those attending the (Communist) meeting" and that "arrests were made when ...

The United Nations Exposed - 0
A similar Red Orchestra was established in the United States, and, as noted in ... to both Communist defectors and U.S. intelligence officials, dozens of Red cells .... Communist meetings in the New York City area for years, says the Red ...
Modern Communist Party red cell organizations ....with red blood cell participants in humanoid format?

Below, are modern CELL Meeting outfits.   Be careful about what you think about red blood cells and their methods of expression.

The Red Menace (1949): Cell Meeting  ---> Drawin evolution of cell meeting places in year 2012       Aug 9, 2012 - CONELRAD6401240
A contentious Communist cell meeting from  ......

It certainly is an interesting world!
You have some pieces to a puzzle to Nature's method of IRON  message processing techniques.
Finally, let's consider the  year 1989 message ..known as:

April 26 Editorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Influence on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests‎: Throughout the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the editorial remained a major point of ...

April 26 Editorial --> A 26 code --> Atomic number 26



Iron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (from Latin: ferrum) and atomic number 26. It is a metal in the first transition series. It is the most common element ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The editorial as it appears on the frontpage of People's Daily on April 26, 1989

The April 26 Editorial (Chinese: 四·二六社论) was a front-page article published on People's Daily on April 26, 1989, during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The editorial effectively defined the student movement as a destabilizing anti-party revolt that should be resolutely opposed at all levels of society. As the first authoritative document from the top leadership on the growing movement, it was widely interpreted as having communicated the party's position of 'no-tolerance' to student protesters and their sympathizers.

The periodic atomic table message ...of the 26 protons of IRON and their 26 atomic ENGLISH alphabet letters.  The 26  PROTON IRON alphabet message that NATURE intended for Chinese-Americans ..... born in North America. The individuals  speak their parents Chinese language and these individuals learned ENGLISH as they attended American grammmer schools, high schools, and college.

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.


Above,  the signal of IRON atomic mass to the University of Chicago  ...atomic mass STREET LEVEL communications locations of 55th  Street and 56th STREET.   The ELITE of the UNIVERITY IVORY Towers ...... marooned in Chicago ...... READ the Marooned campus newspaper  ..... and continue to refuse to acknowledge these Sartre existential messages. 
Okay, its a TOP SECRET of the  Hierarchary Problem of physics and the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...... atomic social anthropology SECRETS.  But, they may have been hypnotized by television broadcasts and radio broadcasts .... a BRAVE NEW WORLD social pschology WAR situation ..... that authors warned us  ... .may happen.   Book 1984 ...year 1984 was over 26 years ago. ...and the Chicago region had  the George Orwell.....OCEANIA shooting proganada battle at Cole Hall, DeKalb Illinois.


56th STEET  ...... it is so ironic that the atomic English language of IRON and  iron Hemogloblin proteins is not respected by the UNIVERSITY. The UNIVERSITY social sciences and political sciences  invent HOLLYWOOD style explanations of  NATURE's social science signaling EVENTS like Tiananmen Square. 


High Energy Physics - UChicagoMaps - University of Chicago
Looking northwest from the courtyard. Click on the picture above for an enlarged view. High Energy Physics 935 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 ...

About KICP | KICP Location - KICP - University of Chicago

The University of Chicago,The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, 933 East 56th Street, Chicago, IL 60637; Mailing address. The University of Chicago, The ...


How Do I Build an Iron Atom?


Iron is an element, and its symbol is Fe. Although iron rusts easily, people use it for making steel, automobile frames and parts, building structures and tools. The iron atoms is made of 26 protons, 26 electrons and has 30 neutrons. The atom has four spherical energy levels.

The atom has four spherical energy levels. 

Below, four IRON atom energy levels DISPLAYED in year 1989  for the APRIL 26 periodic atomic table government of the EARTH  iron core .... ... the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology news announcement.


The atom has four spherical energy levels  --> Messages for the OFFICE of Science ...Department of Awarenes for  IRON  foreign affairs diplomatic policy..






Thus we see more DATA pieces .... that theoretical GESTALT physics may find useful for the TOE =  THEORY of EVERYTHING ...which includes atomic bio-physics humanoids  and their  social science expressions on behalf of Nature's various inter-related projects and systems.

Graduate students and  open minded professors are welcome to work with me ...... to help understand these REALITY expressions .....signaling EVENTS on the geography surface of EARTH involving NAture's modern Shakespearean theater  ..... with human society group performances.