Article archive
The Nikola Tesla ECHO signature of the 1968 cz.ECHO.slovakia Prague spring uprising
08/09/2015 17:54
RD-blog-number-6145 by Herb Zinser reviews the Nikola Tesla ECHO wars and the cover-up by Department of Justice and the Department of Energy .... as revealed by the Boston Marathon bombing trial and the deliberate omission of vast amounts of evidence from the...
Chuck Norris explains the Texas hydrocarbon molecule RANGE that reaches Norris Hall, Virginia.
08/02/2015 05:33
RD-blog number-607 by Herb Zinser reviews the Texas hydrocarbon molecule ..... social science expression sytem using CH = Carbon Hydrogen atomic symbols assigned to television mass communications agent CH = CHUCK Norris ...that is atomic mass ..mass...
Water continuum (Waco) WAR of April 19, 1993 continuation --> April 19, 2013 Watertown, Massachusetts TRIAL
07/18/2015 19:38
Rd-blog-number-5950 by Herb Zinser reviews the citizen appoval of the rigged Federal judical system ..
that uses newspaper reporter data manipulation tricks, ommission of critical evidence from criminal trials, etc.
For example, the water molecule continuum TRIALs began...
The Waco cosine wave shootout over the phase difference with religious sin waves
07/12/2015 16:06
Rd-blog-number-5891 by Herb Zinser looks at the astrophysics Kerr factors wars on EARTH and the Twin Peaks cosine battle in Waco, Texas VERSUS Waco religious sin waves. The phase difference caused a shooting battle.
The Thomas Jefferson living Constitution CONTROL SYSTEM battle at University of Virginia
07/02/2015 05:02
Rd-blog-number-5856 by Herb Zinser reviews the living Constitution expression at the University of Virginia VIA control systems messenger Hannah Graham.
Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free...
Star Trek book helps explain EM murder systems
06/16/2015 08:49
Book-59 by Herb Zinser looks at subset messages that are embedded with the story of a Star Trek book.
The code words --> NEW Frontier --> subset code --> tier --> tiers / levels of existence and perception.
The above words -->...
Book translations - Star Trek New Frontier ... SOLAR SYSTEM codes
06/11/2015 05:07
Book-60 by Herb Zinser looks at some of the secret codes embedded as subset messages within the book.
In this blog post, we aree interested in the Solar System messages that apply to events AND activites on earth.
We see the system information flowchart ..... with the sequence of...
Electric motor POLE SHOES help explain TOE theory (Theory of Everything)
05/30/2015 21:23
Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A theory of everything (TOE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics...
The stem word --> fer --> the brain fermentation HIERARCHY PROBLEM at FermiLAB
05/23/2015 20:53
Rd-blog-number-5657 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE communication WAR with FermiLAB and the various world Federal governments and their approval of citizen errors.
The periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought
the molecular thought systems and their...
The Earth data LINK at latitude 41 provides Solar System 360/370 with business feedback information
05/14/2015 08:24
RD-blog-number-5583 by Herb Zinser reviews the Solar System data processing architecture of 9 planets (8 data bit planets and 1 error checking parity bit planet named EARTH).
RAM parity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Items: 1 - 10 of 34