Article archive
Robert Franks and the year 1924 atomic social science murder
12/07/2014 11:09
Rd-blog-number-4160 by Herb Zinser reveiws the year 1924 database of the Robert Franks murder.
Leopold and Loeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Murder of Robert Franks -...
Brownian motion life of Michael Brown
09/26/2014 09:31
Click on the title to display the full article.
RD-blog-number-3900 by Herb Zinser reviews the atomic, bio-physics messages of Michael Brown from the mathematical-physics message processing ..... geogarphy region of Ferguson, Missouri.
Science wars - Wikipedia, the free...
The 2007 Balad airplane crash ---> symbolism explained --> the BAL DNA bio-computer brain crash signal ---> the 2007 BAL TIME Flies
10/03/2012 22:00
Computer Earth system 370 status report on the BAL program tragedy in IRAQ.
BAL = Basic Assembler Language used for:
1) copper-wire computers use BAL, Cobol, Fortran , etc for applications programming
2) human bio-computers gather...
The Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology MODEL of society helps explain modern social science conflicts and crimes.
06/02/2012 06:08
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic...
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