The biochemistry SOS song - music military trial at Fort Hood
The biochemistry song lyrics, SOS, have rasied many questions.
Let's look at the biochmesitry origin of HARM waves (Harmonic sound waves that attack the Double-Helix wave configuration)
What is DNA?
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA).
The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).
An important property of DNA is that it can replicate, or make copies of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases. This is critical when cells divide because each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.

DNA is a double helix formed by base pairs attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone.
For more information about DNA:
The National Human Genome Research Institute fact sheet Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Complex sounds
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics
Strings, standing waves and harmonics
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics
Fun mental Fre que nc Harm
mental Freak queue numerical control Harm
Standing Waves and Musical Instruments
What is a Standing Wave?
Musical tones are produced by musical instruments, or by the voice, which, from a physics perspective, is a very complex wind instrument. So the physics of music is the physics of the kinds of sounds these instruments can make. What kinds of sounds are these? They are tones caused by standing waves produced in or on the instrument. So the properties of these standing waves, which are always produced in very specific groups, or series, have far-reaching effects on music theory.Most sound waves, including the musical sounds that actually reach our ears, are not standing waves. Normally, when something makes a wave, the wave travels outward, gradually spreading out and losing strength, like the waves moving away from a pebble dropped into a pond.
But when the wave encounters something, it can bounce (reflection) or be bent (refraction). In fact, you can "trap" waves by making them bounce back and forth between two or more surfaces. Musical instruments take advantage of this; they produce pitches by trapping sound waves.Why are trapped waves useful for music? Any bunch of sound waves will produce some sort of noise. But to be a tone - a sound with a particular pitch - a group of sound waves has to be very regular, all exactly the same distance apart. That's why we can talk about the frequency and wavelength of tones.
Complex sounds
Sep 4, 2007 – "Message In A Bottle" Lyrics by Sting & Police: Just a castaway An island lost at sea ... Review The Song (1) ... I'll send an SOS to the world ...
STING LYRICS - Message In A Bottle
Lyrics to "Message In A Bottle" song by STING: Just a castaway An island lost at sea Another lonely day With no one here but me ...
I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world of biochemistry college graduates and professors .....
"Message In A Bottle" Lyrics by Sting & Police
"Message In A Bottle" Lyrics by Sting & Police
"Message In A Bottle" Lyrics by undercover molecular Sting operation & biochemistry Police
Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood Shooting Suspect ...
Nidal Malik Hasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nidal Malik Hasan, (born September 8, 1970 in Arlington County, Virginia) is a United States ... At Fort Hood, he took an apartment away from other officers. ... He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1995 with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry.
a bachelor's degree in biochemistry
a bachelor's degree in INTERNAL biochemistry --> EXTERNAL maps
a bachelor's degree in biochemistry
a bachelor's degree in Nature's biochemistry military identifier ....proper noun symbolic warriors.
a biochemistry department name
Nidal Malik ..... with a sequence of identifier symbols
Ni + da + l + ma
Ni ----> Nitrogenous bases at Nature's biochemistry miltary base FORT HOOD
da ----> abbreviation for dna and the da = differential amplifier of information ...feature
l ----> language
ma ---> map
1) Fort Hood suspect Nidal Malik Hasan seemed 'cool, calm, religious ...
Nov 7, 2009 – Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, a law enforcement source told CNN. ... An owner of a 7-
2) with a degree in biochemistry .....
Sep 4, 2007 – "Message In A Bottle" Lyrics by Sting & Police: Just a castaway An island lost at sea ... Review The Song (1) ...
I'll send an SOS to the world ...
I'll ---> Integer 11 ----> via the aisles of the 7-11 store at Fort HOOD
I'll --> the words ... sound pronunciation is equivalent to aisle in the 7-11 store.
Thus we have on EARTH LAB a 7-11 store ...
that is 7 implies a nitrogenous bases STORE with
EARTH LAB name 7-11 store.......
and then a 2-legged humanoid named Nidal (nitrogenous bio-name) goes into the larger 7-11 nitrogenous store
which is lcoated in the still larger FORT (LAB) Hood EARTH LAB geography site.
Thus we see Nature hierarchy of LEVELS of perception of nitrogenous bases, symbols, symbolic life etc with Einstien's theoiry of realtives sizes and viewing postions.
Biochmesitry CLUES
SOS box - Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology › Resources › Bioinformatics ToolsThe region in the promoter of various genes that is recognized by the LexA repressor. Release of repression results in the induction of the SOS respon. -
The LexA protein does not bind specifically to the two SOS box-like ... NS Payne - 1989 - Cited by 12 - Related articles
University of North Carolina, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Chapel Hill 27599. There are two SOS box-like sequences located at the regions ...
On the living EARTH cell model ised by bio-geography researchers ...... the 7-11 store builfing with bricks and doors.... is like a box EXTERNAL version of the INTERNAL bio-chemistry entity ...the su[per-symmetry bio-physics INTERNAL 7-11 store with atomic number 7 for nitrogen and nitrogenous bases and number 11 for your SKU11 /brain math integer number 11.
SOS response - Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology › Resources › Bioinformatics ToolsRepair systems (recA; uvr) induced by the presence of single-stranded DNA that usually occurs from postreplicative gaps caused by various types of DNA. -
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry - Page 1130 - Google Books Result Response. Requires. Destruction. of. Repressor. Proteins. Extensive DNA damage ... 28–22), and induction of the SOS response requires removal of LexA.
Thus Nature sent Major Nidal Hasan ....... Nature's SOS Reponse humanoid agent. This makes sense .....Nature's Darwinian symbol selection from the symbolic world composed of college biochemistry graduates ...with biochemsitry nouns, adjectives, flowcharts inside their brain ......... that Nature would select someone like biochemistry college graduate Hasan .
Thus Darwinin evolution now now includes selection of humanoid bio-computers ... SYMBOLIC MACHINE evolution.
Is your brain being upgraded with with algebra and biochemistry textbooks?
That is your job ....self-education.
In addition .......
I'll send an SOS to the world ...
I'll (word audio sound of - I'll ---> equivalent to-->aisle ).
I'll send an SOS to the world
...ll send an SOS to the world VIA number 11 --> via 7-11 stores
I'11 --> Integer number 11 messages VIA 7-
Thus we see a complex biochenistry social expression EVENT unfold ......that is intertwined with the
symbolic langauge world and the physical world thru the conceptual communication model of 11-dimensions of string theory.